The Miss Artificial Spring Collection is on Threadless!

Just in time for thee eternal Hollydaze… Now you can purchase M.A.S. images on everything from Greeting Cards to Coffee Mugs to Bath Mats to T-shirts for the Cable Access TV fan in your life. Go to There are many Discount Sales every month so check back often! Enjoy!

Chicago Childrens Museum real life kid art Ads!

I used to work as a Video Journalism Instructor at the Chicago Childrens Museum. One day I taught them about TV Advertising!

Our cablecast listing from the Chicago Access Network TV calendar!

I’ll NEVER forget what this was like!

Spring Has Sprung—AGAIN!

Welcome to the Miss Artificial Spring Remix! Spring has sprung again with video mashups, photos and vintage ephemera from Chicago Cable Access’ most infamous early 90’s cooking show/soap opera. Enjoy!