
Our TV Guide Listing between Letterman and The Tonight Show! Whatta time slot!


The EARWAX Video Rental Cover for the SuperPromo!


FOUND! The Miss Artificial Spring Story Outline!

From the Miss Artificial Spring archives comes this very handy handwritten outline of every episode! Behold!MAS.pg1.StoryOutline MAS.pg2.StoryOutline MAS.pg3.StoryOutline MAS.pg4.StoryOutline MAS.pg5.StoryOutline MAS.pg6.StoryOutline

Super Stats! Photographs & Video Remixes on the way!

Exciting news! In just 12 days Miss Artificial Spring has been viewed 165 times by fabulous friends with excellent taste in Germany, Italy, Ukraine, Russia, France, Poland, and the USA! So much MORE to come, so stay tuned!

Spring Has Sprung—AGAIN!

Welcome to the Miss Artificial Spring Remix! Spring has sprung again with video mashups, photos and vintage ephemera from Chicago Cable Access’ most infamous early 90’s cooking show/soap opera. Enjoy!